The tent sides are really nice with some privacy. The washroom-use-rules are little bit awkward. You need to pay a deposit (10 cad) for the washroom key but they close the washroom from 9 pm to 7 am. If you need a toilet between the closure time you can only use the porta potty (located next to the normal washroom). Anyway the washrooms are old but clean.
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Minimum requirements: iOS 12, Android 6, Windows 10
The tent sides are really nice with some privacy. The washroom-use-rules are little bit awkward. You need to pay a deposit (10 cad) for the washroom key but they close the washroom from 9 pm to 7 am. If you need a toilet between the closure time you can only use the porta potty (located next to the normal washroom). Anyway the washrooms are old but clean.