Nice walk inside of forest and partly around a river. It takes 1h to getting to first look out but worth to continue to the Glacier lake (next 75mins). The guide types it takes 6-7hs return, we made it in 5hs and walked our common speed. Definitely beautiful with view to Glacier :-) You can walk 7mins from The Crossing to parking as well.
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Minimum requirements: iOS 12, Android 6, Windows 10
User 58244
Nice walk inside of forest and partly around a river. It takes 1h to getting to first look out but worth to continue to the Glacier lake (next 75mins). The guide types it takes 6-7hs return, we made it in 5hs and walked our common speed. Definitely beautiful with view to Glacier :-) You can walk 7mins from The Crossing to parking as well.