Arm Of Gold Campground
RV Park
5 from 4 users
Lat: 46.250029 Lng: -60.289293
User Reviews

Very friendly nice staff. Very spacious and relaxing -could have stay longer but booked for the ferry.

User 69792
Couldn't find place to fill up on board propane tanks. But guy at a gas station said this campground could. NICE campground. Nice people. If it was later in the day, we would stop here for the night!!

sehr sauberer und ordentlicher Campground. WiFi sehr schnell und überall gut erreichbar. Toiletten sehr sauber, Duschen 50cent für gefühlte 5 Minuten. Laundry vorhanden: Waschen 2$(30min.) Trocknen 3$ (30Min) Um am nächsten Tag die Fähre nach NFLD zu nehmen ausgezeichnet.